How HIT Consultants Can Keep You From Drowning in the Vendor Soup

When a consultant is being a true partner to a client, they are like a sponge absorbing everything within the organization’s vicinity — from the people and the culture to the inner workings, technology, and processes. Working with the right HIT consulting partners can facilitate the selection of technology, simplify the process of using it,…

Diversifying Healthcare Leadership, We’re Not Done Yet

by Barbara Casey, CRO A study came out a while back showing that those group brainstorming sessions in front of the whiteboard weren’t always the best way to encourage new ideas. According to the study, peer pressure, long a relic of high school classrooms, was still abundant in the professional ranks. People simply feared speaking…

Enhance the Success, Adoption, and Optimization of New Clinical Mobility Implementations

by Kathleen Harmon, MS, RN Managing the complexity of implementing a clinical communication mobility program can be a daunting challenge. There is no one-size-fits-all technology that is right for every care delivery unit and clinical workflow, nor is there one single vendor who can address the full spectrum of clinical communication and collaboration needs –…

Going Beyond the Technology

You learn a lot by watching. Nectar’s Director of Client Services, Teresa DeLappe, did a lot of observing and learning during the 15 years she spent working across the healthcare continuum at Harborview Medical Center (HMC) in Seattle, Washington.  She was fascinated by the growing technology dependence of healthcare organizations yet at the same time,…

The Digital Transformational Project Manager

Why is it that the words “digital transformation” and “failure” are so often tied together in the same sentence? Why did McKinsey come out with a report that said 70% of digital transformation projects are bound to fail? A recent Forbes article put the number at 84%. Digital transformation can be an exhausting, seemingly never-ending…

Enterprise Imaging. The silos are coming down.

PACS is so turn of the century. When we used to talk about Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS), it tended to be a very siloed discussion. The conversation centered around medical imaging technology used for storing, retrieving, presenting, and sharing images, but Cardiology had their own and Pathology, Radiology, the ED, and other surgical…